Our team in Santorini is planning civil wedding ceremonies with official Marriage Certificate issuance. It is legally recognised in USA, UK, Australia and all European Counties.

Before you come to Santorini for celebration of the wedding you were dreaming of, you need to make sure that your marriage will meet the legal requirements for both Greece and your original country. As part of that process you have to present the correct legal documentation which can vary slightly depending on the country you are from. All the required papers have to be prepared by your side in advance and transferred to us that we could be able to confirm at the Registrar office that your paperwork is in order and you become eligible to get married in Santorini.

Just advise us your country and receive the individual detailed guide with several simple steps to deal with all the appropriate documents correctly. So all your necessary actions will be done easy and with no stress for you, under support of your personal Vanilla Sky planner. Make sure that you produced the right documents, before you come to the island for your wedding celebration.

Your personal wedding planner from our team will handle the legal details for you and coordinate the legalized wedding process by dealing directly with local officials in Santorini!

How to get your documents ready before you head to Santorini


1. get the list of required papers for your country from your Vanilla Sky Wedding planner [email protected]

2. collect all the papers according to this list

3. obtain Apostille stamps on the papers which require legalization before being presented in Greece

4. send the photocopies of all the prepared papers to us (the latest 3 weeks before the wedding).

All other necessary actions with your documents will be carried by us without your participation incl. translation into Greek service. After that, you just need to bring the originals with you and give them to your personal coordinator on the pre wedding meeting at your hotel.




What is Apostille Stamp?


This stamp is sufficient to certify the validity of your documents to be legally recognised by Greek authorities before your wedding ceremony begins (Hague Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents). The procedure of obtaining Apostille stamp removes the need for double-certification, by your originating country and then by Greece. 
The Apostille Stamp is necessary for Birth certificates, Certificates of no Impediment to marry, Official documents stating changing your name and Adoption certificates, and will certify these documents confirming that they are genuine.
The same for the Marriage Certificate with an Apostille Stamp issued in Greece: according to the Hague Convention the document will be legal in your country. 

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Documents for UK, Australian and New Zealand Citizens

List of common documents that are required by Santorini Town Hall from the couples from the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand:

» PHOTOCOPY OF PASSPORT *Apostille stamp and translation are not required, only photocopy

» FULL BIRTH CERTIFICATE with both parents names *with an Apostille stamp and translated into Greek

» CERTIFICATE OF NON-IMPEDIMENT TO MARRY (it confirms that you are free to marry, can be issued by your local Registrar’s office) *with an Apostille stamp and translated into Greek

» DIVORCE CERTIFICATE ABSOLUTE DECREE if any *with an Apostille stamp and translated into Greek

» DOCUMENT CONFIRMING THE CHANGING THE NAME if any *with an Apostille stamp and translated into Greek

» ADOPTION CERTIFICATE if any *with an Apostille stamp and translated into Greek


Documents for Canadian Citizens

List of common documents that are required by Santorini Town Hall from the couples from Canada:

» PHOTOCOPY OF PASSPORT *translation into Greek is not required

» FULL BIRTH CERTIFICATE with both parents names *translation into Greek is also required

» CERTIFICATE OF NON-IMPEDIMENT TO MARRY (this document confirms that you have not been married and that you are free to marry, can be issued by your local Registrar’s office. It must not be issued more than 3 months before your wedding) *translation into Greek is also required

» AFFIDAVIT of Single Status stating you are free to marry (this is a paper where you declare you are free to marry and that there is no impediment preventing you entering into a valid marriage in Santorini, Greece. The document should be certified in the Notary's Office. It must not be issued more than 3 months before your wedding) *translation into Greek is also required

» DIVORCE CERTIFICATE if any *translation into Greek is also required

» DOCUMENT CONFIRMING THE CHANGING THE NAME if any *translation into Greek is also required

» ADOPTION CERTIFICATE if any *translation into Greek is also required

Please kindly note that Apostille stamps for the above documents of Canadian citizens are not required.


Documents for U.S. Citizens

List of common documents that are required by Santorini Town Hall from the couples from the United States of America:

» PHOTOCOPY OF PASSPORT *Apostille stamp and translation are not required, only photocopy

» FULL BIRTH CERTIFICATE with both parents names *with an Apostille stamp and translated into Greek

» MARRIAGE LICENSE (one license covers both of you in case you both are U.S. citizens, that is valid for a wedding outside of the state, it must not be issued more than 3 months before your wedding) *with an Apostille stamp and translated into Greek

» AFFIDAVIT of Single Status stating you are free to marry (this is a paper where you declare you are free to marry and that there is no impediment preventing you entering into a valid marriage in Santorini, Greece. The document should be certified in the Notary's Office. It must not be issued more than 3 months before your wedding) *with an Apostille stamp and translated into Greek

» DIVORCE CERTIFICATE if any *with an Apostille stamp and translated into Greek

» DOCUMENT CONFIRMING THE CHANGING THE NAME if any *with an Apostille stamp and translated into Greek

» ADOPTION CERTIFICATE if any *with an Apostille stamp and translated into Greek


Documents for Hungarian Citizens

List of common documents that are required by Santorini Town Hall from the couples from Hungary:

» PHOTOCOPY OF PASSPORT *Apostille stamp and translation are not required, only photocopy

» FULL BIRTH CERTIFICATE with both parents names *Translated into Greek, Apostille stamp is not required

» MARRIAGE LICENSE - Certificate of Capacity to Marry *Translated into Greek, Apostille stamp is not required

» DIVORCE CERTIFICATE if any *Translated into Greek, Apostille stamp is not required

» DOCUMENT CONFIRMING THE CHANGING THE NAME if any *Translated into Greek, Apostille stamp is not required

» ADOPTION CERTIFICATE if any *Translated into Greek, Apostille stamp is not required

Documents for Slovenian Citizens

List of common documents that are required by Santorini Town Hall from the couples from Slovenia:

» PHOTOCOPY OF PASSPORT *Apostille stamp and translation are not required, only photocopy

» FULL BIRTH CERTIFICATE with both parents names *with an Apostille stamp and translated into Greek

» CERTIFICATE OF NON-IMPEDIMENT TO MARRY (it confirms that you are free to marry, can be issued by your local Registrar’s office) *with an Apostille stamp and translated into Greek

» DIVORCE CERTIFICATE - a certified copy of the Decree Absolute if anyny *with an Apostille stamp and translated into Greek

» DOCUMENT CONFIRMING THE CHANGING THE NAME if any *with an Apostille stamp and translated into Greek

» ADOPTION CERTIFICATE if any *with an Apostille stamp and translated into Greek

Documents for Austrian Citizens

List of common documents that are required by Santorini Town Hall from the couples from Austria:

» PHOTOCOPY OF PASSPORT *Apostille stamp and translation are not required, only photocopy

» FULL BIRTH CERTIFICATE with both parents names *Translated into Greek, Apostille stamp is not required

» CERTIFICATE OF NON-IMPEDIMENT TO MARRY (it confirms that you are free to marry, can be issued by your local Registrar’s office) *Translated into Greek, Apostille stamp is not required

» DIVORCE CERTIFICATE if any *Translated into Greek, Apostille stamp is not required

» DOCUMENT CONFIRMING THE CHANGING THE NAME if any *Translated into Greek, Apostille stamp is not required

» ADOPTION CERTIFICATE if any *Translated into Greek, Apostille stamp is not required




You have to stay in Santorini at least 1 working day after your wedding in order to go to the Town Hall in Fira town to officially sign your Marriage Cerificate (usually in the morning on the next working day). After your Marriage Certificate will be issued with an Apostille stamp and translated into your language (usually in 3-4 weeks after the ceremony) upon your request, it will be sent to you.






1. Will our Marriage Certificate from Santorini be legal in our country right after our wedding day?

In case of civil legal ceremony, you will receive a symbolic Certificate at first, while you are waiting for the official one (this Certificate will not be valid in your country, due to it is not legalized). Right after your ceremony Santorini Town Hall will process the legalization of your official Marriage Certificate on Syros island, where an Apostille stamp will be obtained. This process usually takes between 3–4 weeks and sometimes more (based on the Town Hall workload). Once this is ready we will notify you by email before sending you the Certificate with Apostille Stamp.

2. Are witnesses required?

Yes, two witnesses must be present on the wedding ceremony with passports from your side. We would be happy to provide you with the witnesses if you are eloping and do not have guests on your wedding, for no extra cost.

3. Will the Registrar perform the ceremony if all of our documents are not in order?

No, there are no exceptions. All documents must be presented promptly, and they must be in order for the ceremony to take place. If not, there is no ceremony or symbolic ceremony only.

4. Do you have Wedding Packages with the issuance of legal Marriage Certificate?

Yes, you can choose the type of the ceremony for your wedding regardless the package you would like to book. Each package can be with legal civil or symbolic ceremony at your option, it can be easily customized according to your requirements. See all our wedding packages in Santorini.



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